Writer and illustrator Rachel Deutsch […. ] captures both the absurdity and the wonder of parenthood. -Huffpost 2022

Illustrated Pieces

The Attachment Styles of My Various Bras, The New Yorker, 2023

Biweekly illustrations for Emily Oster’s ParentData newsletter

Look at me! Mother Tongue Magazine, Spring/Summer 2023

The Training Bra Inspires a Whole New Generation of Training Apparel, The New Yorker, 2022

Handy Conversation Fillers and How to Deliver Them for Maximum Drama, The New Yorker, September 2022

The Many Daily Jobs of a Parent, Cup of Jo, August 2022

Parenting Hacks Inspired by Animals, Pregnant Chicken, August 2022

Reimagining Famous Movies Based on My Child’s Name for Them, McSweeneys, August 2022

This Father’s Day, You Be the Baby, Mutha Magazine, June 2022

The Pros and Cons of Various Body Parts, The New Yorker, May 2022

Brenda the Catwoman (and other Hybrid Creatures that Didn’t Make it to Hollywood), Funny-ish.com, March 2022

From the People Who Brought You Orgasmic Birth, Belladonna Comedy, January 2022

A Boob in the Night, Mutha Magazine, December 2021

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Science, Belladonna Comedy, December 2021

Nine to Five: An Illustrated Day in the Life of a Mom Who Does it All, McSweeneys, July 2021

If Movie Guys Were Nicer, Slackjaw, July 2021

Surprise! People who might be lactating! Belladonna Comedy, June 2021

Woman Who Has It All, Mutha Magazine, May 2021

10 Types of Moms, Mutha Magazine, March, 2021

Other cartoons and illustrated pieces appear in: Weekly Humorist, Funny-ish.com, The Daily Drunk, Little Old Lady Comedy, and Frazzled Humor.


Fiction and Nonfiction Writing